5 Lambeck and Johnston, "The viscosity of the mantle: Evidence from analyses of glacial-rebound phenomena", Chapter 10 in The Earth's Mantle, Jackson (ed), 1998. Roblyn will talk about using post-glacial rebound to constrain sea level and mantle viscosity models. A possible additional topic are likely hemispheric variations of heat flow on Mars. Vid will talk about heat flow through continents and oceans. Additional problems, transfer fucntion, Zuber paper. Some additional reading will be available on spherical harmonics and admittance. Catherine R will about gravity and the geoid as well as various observations of Venus. Amy will talk about bending of elastic plates and her work on dynamic topography. Students in the class will do a final project that includes a report and a 20-25 minute talk. Problem sets are due at the start of each class and are to be self-graded with comments.

There will be weekly problem sets that will anticipate each lecture. Each student will become "an expert" on one topic and give two 2 hour lectures (those auditing will give one lecture). To do this we will work through much of Turcotte and Schubert's book "Geodynamics" as well as the appropriate current literature. This course is designed to provide an overview of how geophyiscal observations such as topography, gravity and magnetics are analyzed and applied to construct understanding of how terrestrial planets work. Text: Geodynamics by Turcotte and Schubert. PHYS 2601 Topics in Planetary Physics (a reading course)